10 Reasons You Should Attend "MASSACREADE" :

1) Supporting local theater is good karma.
3) Zombie paintings!
4) You can have your palm read so you can stop worrying about when you'll croak...
5) The basement of the Alchemist Theatre is haunted. No joke. No bed sheet ghosts for us.
6) Gorgeous girls of all shapes and sizes sporting vampire-attire that will make granny roll over in her grave.
7) cheap hooch-- which in turn makes you an exponentially better dancer. So, that's really two reasons, isn't it?
8) A special set of Live music prepared by The Famous Graves that you won't hear anywhere else in Milwaukee.
9) Win great prizes for creative get-up
10) You can finally relax--Everyone else in attendance is just as big a freak as you are...
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